Imelda Kun Wahyuningtyas

Pusat Pengembangan SDM Kemendagri Regional Yogyakarta

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Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014, pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) dimaksudkan untuk mendorong atau menampung seluruh kegiatan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat, baik yang berkembang menurut adat istiadat dan budaya setempat, maupun kegiatan perekonomian yang diserahkan untuk di kelola oleh masyarakat melalui program atau proyek Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah. Sebagai sebuah usaha desa, pembentukan BUMDES diharapkan mampu memanfaatkan seluruh potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat desa baik aspek ekonomi, sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusianya. Pendirian BUMDES di desa mampu menyerap tenaga kerja desa, membuka peluang usaha ekonomi produktif, membangun jejaring usaha, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa, dan mempunyai kontribusi pada PADes (Pendapatan Asli Desa). BUMDES merupakan salah  satu kekuatan ekonomi penting yang dimiliki desa di tengah masuknya berbagai kekuatan bisnis nasional maupun internasional. Bahkan di masa pandemi Covid-19, BUMDES menjadi salah satu lembaga di desa yang berperanan penting menopang keberlanjutan perekonomian desa. BUMDES diharapkan menjadi “basis ekonomi kerakyatan” dan penguatan keuangan pemerintahan desa melalui kegiatan usaha ekonomi produktif masyarakat perdesaan dan kontribusi pada pemberdayaan ekonomi desa.


Kata kunci : BUMDES, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Desa, PADes.



In accordance with the mandate of Law No.6 of 2014, the formation of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) is intended to encourage or accommodate all activities to increase community income, both those that develop according to local customs and culture, as well as economic activities that are submitted to be managed by the community. through Government and Local Government programs or projects. As a village business, the establishment of BUMDES is expected to be able to utilize all the potential of the village community in terms of the economy, natural resources and human resources. The establishment of BUMDES in villages is able to absorb village workers, open up productive economic business opportunities, build business networks, improve the welfare of rural communities, and contribute to Village Original Income (PADes). BUMDES is one of the important economic forces owned by the village in the midst of the entry of various national and international business forces. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, BUMDES became one of the institutions in the village that played an important role in supporting the sustainability of the village economy. BUMDES is expected to become a "populist economic base" and strengthen village government finances through productive economic business activities in rural communities and contribute to village economic empowerment.


Keywords: BUMDES, Village economic empowerment, PADes.